Stop Foreclosure on Long Island or Prevent Foreclosure around the United States

Help Stop Foreclosure and save your home

Our Loan Modification Process is Simple

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We know how you’re feeling.

You’ve had more than your share of difficulties the last few months. The good news is that you are not alone. Weissman Law Firm P.L.L.C. is here to help. Whether you have a loss of income, medical expenses or any other financial hardship Weissman Law firm can negotiate on your behalf to find the best possible solution. We will do our utmost to help you save your home, your dignity, and your peace of mind.

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Loan Modification Is Not Simple!

Don’t be a victim of the runaround.

Fill out this short form below to get started



    First Name:

    Last Name:


    Best Time:


    How many months:

    are you behind
    on your morgage?


    Loan Amount:



    stopforeclosureHelping Save Homes with Respect and Integrity
    Our professionally trained staff treats our clients with the utmost respect and dignity. We care and are here to help you get through the often daunting experience of negotiating a loss mitigation solution. We will work with you to save your home and get you back to where you need to be. We are here to get you back in charge of your finances



    Don’t Lose Your Home to Foreclosure
    Don’t panic. If you have fallen behind in your mortgage payments, if you are frightened that you might lose your home, act now. Don’t make the mistake of countless homeowners who hope that things will get better on their own. Speed is vital; immediate action is the most important step you can take because the various solutions are very time-restricted. Many homeowners could have saved their homes if only they had taken immediate action.


    Our Mission:

    • Save your home
    • Stop the foreclosure
    • Lower monthly payments
    • Lower Interest rates
    • Negotiate into a reasonable fixed Mortgage Rate


    Don’t Give Up! Call 866-874-9888



    This can’t be happening to me. Foreclose on my mortgage, lose my home?! Those are things that happen to somebody else. Right? Wrong.

    Thousands of homeowners face this nightmare each month. You are not alone and we are here to help you.

    With years of experience helping people going through foreclosure, the experts at Weissman Law Firm have the knowledge and the ability to help stop your foreclosure, save your home and save your credit rating. We have the solutions. We will negotiate with the bank on your behalf. We will do our utmost to help you save your home, your dignity, and your peace of mind.

    Don’t panic. If you have fallen behind in your mortgage payments, if you are frightened that you might lose your home, act now. Don’t make the mistake of countless homeowners who hope that things will get better on their own. Speed is vital; immediate action is the most important step you can take because the various solutions are very time-restricted. Innumerable homeowners could have saved their homes if only they had taken immediate action. And if for some reason a loss mitigation solution is not feasible, our short sale department can help negotiate a short sale of the property which is a better alternative than letting the home fall to foreclosure

    The faster you do, the sooner we will be there by your side, and the greater will be your chance for success. We are absolutely committed to helping you in every way we can to overcome all obstacles, to prevent foreclosure on your mortgage. Find out how we can help you.




    Working With



    • Long Island
    • New York
    • Fort Worth - TX
    • Charlotte - NC
    • Phoenix - AZ
    • Denver - CO
    • Portland - OR
    • Louisville - KY